Small Town Girl with Small Town Values


SkylersDad said…
I'm surprised at you Michael! It's not nice to make fun of her inauguration outfit she just went out and bought.
GETkristiLOVE said…
If I shopped at the discount sale in the Junior's department at Mervyn's, I could look hot like that.
Unknown said…
sd: Five bucks says the outfit belongs to her daughter.

gkl: Gilding the lily, in your case. You awready hot n' heavy, bay-bee.
Anonymous said…
She looks like she just threw her keys into a bowl on the bar.
vikkitikkitavi said…
You have to admire the photoshopping skills, huh? Like the pic in the patriotic bikini, with the gun, which is also pretty good. The only thing that started my spidey sense tingling on that one is that no woman wears her hair like that when she's in a bathing suit.