This Blog Entry is 100% Harry Potter Spoiler Free

Apparently, for a brief window yesterday morning, the new Harry Potter book was available online.

Some rightfully ticked-off lawyers filed cease-and-desist motions and they came down. Personally, I don't know what inspires a soul to do this. Regular distribution is only a couple days away, and it's not like there's any kind of prize for being the first to read it.

I'm told the download was simply photographed on every page turn. A couple of sites presumably had it available for download as a PDF. Since the pages were actually photographed, I guess that would mean two pages per photo, or about 398 PDF pages.

Some of the pages are blurry, but save for a few paragraphs, the story can be made out from end to end.

Or so I have read.


vikkitikkitavi said…
Every couple of years I have to stick my fingers in my ears and go "la-la-la-la" until all this boring Harry Potter nonsense goes away.
Unknown said…
Why are you so afraid to love?
SkylersDad said…
I wish I had the extra time to sit and photograph hundreds of pages of a stinkin book! I would just like to be able to break out the vacuume cleaner a bit more often...
Unknown said…
No telling what some Geek with with a semi-operative brain will do. Brings new meaning to the words; "Get a Life!" Hope they hang his ass for Copyright infringement.