Plan Your Father's Day Sentiments Now!

Here's the one I'm hoping for from my daughter someday:

The home page is a slide show if you want to flip through a bunch quickly. Much more fun to browse casually, I think. Post a favorite and gimme some damn credit for turning you on to it! Or thank Jess who showed it to me.


ttractor said…
That will so not mitigate the feeling of loss you will suffer when you don't get to do it for her anymore--a double-whammy of "my little girl has grown up" and "my pool of victims has just shrunk." I'm planning my condolences in advance. Oh, right, I'm actually planning my mirth. Sorry, I lied.
GETkristiLOVE said…
"Sorry my web browser history scared you."

SkylersDad said…
Looks fun - I'll check it out when deadlines are past...
Cheer34 said…
Greeting dates at the door with a baseball bat in hand and and saying remember she is my daughter works like charm.
SkylersDad said…
Damn funny stuff Michael! My favs are:
Plan on groping me at the Christmas Party.
Even when we're 80, I will do you from behind.

and of course,

I licked your dogs balls!
emilie said…
dude! I sent Myles the "The only way I'd ever sell out is if any person or corporation gave me the opportunity to." card last week!