Your Emotional Time-Bomb

Interesting. This is often the way I feel, but I don't know if anyone else really sees me this way.

I am flattered, though. Thanks to the vikkitikkitavi who thanks Johnny Yen who is, so far as we know, the first person ever on the internet to try this test.


ttractor said…
feck me, I'm "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." sigh.
SkylersDad said…
I was The Godfather, so I am shopping for a big wooden desk to sit behind today.
vikkitikkitavi said…
Somehow I believe you are capable of terminating with extreme prejudice.
GETkristiLOVE said…
I was too annoyed by the length of the test to accurately predict what I am to actually take the test. It should be more like telepathy. What movie does that make me - Star Trek XXXLVII?
Unknown said…
ttrac: Sandbagger.

sd: Everytime you try to get out, they pull you back in!

vtt:'re just sayin' that.

gkl: Judging by the temperament you put forth, I'd say Will and Grace: The Movie.
Unknown said…
That's weird -- I am "Apocalypse" too...